It's Halloween you guys!! WE LOVE IT SO MUCH! And I am super in love with our costume this year. If anyone else was a child of the 80's you may also should be a fan of The Princess Bride. Every sleepover I had during elementary school, we'd make the trek to the movie rental place and The Princess Bride was one of my two choices 98% of the time.
If you've never seen the movie, watch it! Seriously, I find it more entertaining now as an adult. :)
I hope that we can continue this family costume tradition for a few more years. Beckett, luckily, is super into it (as long as he gets to be a character that includes weapons & cool fighting abilities). Hope you enjoy the photos and have a Happy Halloween!
Wesley/Dread Pirate Roberts
Fezzik the Giant
Inigo Montoya 'you killed my father, prepare to die...'
Princess Buttercup & Wesley
I just can't with this one. HA.
Or this one!
I love my family. Always willing to participate with a smile. Even in the FREEZING cold temperatures.
March 12, 2021
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?